About RA

Rabbit Advocates, Nonprofit Rabbit Rescue.

Rabbit Advocates is a nonprofit rabbit rescue serving Oregon residents of Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, and Columbia counties, and Washington residents of Clark County.

 Rabbit Advocates Nonprofit Rescue Logo

Our mission is to promote the welfare of domestic rabbits. 

Our foster care program places unwanted and abandoned, neglected and abused, domestic rabbits in loving forever homes.  We provide adoption assistance to local shelters and community education on the proper care of house rabbits.

We have also sponsored low-cost RHDV2 vaccine and microchipping clinics for Clark County Washington and the Portland Metropolitan areas.

All of these services are dependent upon funding from our generous Financial Donors, Hay Sales, Bunny Spas, Bunny Palooza, and the dedication and commitment of our Volunteers. Â